Please input the below data for calculation of annuity premium required to achieve your dream retirement life.
Estimated Monthly Annuity
Premium Required
Please note that the minimum estimated annual annuity premium required is HK$4,000 (i.e. monthly HK$334 approximately).
Retirement Age
Monthly Annuity
Income at Retirement
Current Age
Please note that the difference of Retirement Age and Current Age must be equal or larger than 10 years.
Payment Term
Please note that the sum of Current Age and Payment Term must be equal or less than Retirement Age.
Please note that the sum of Current Age and Payment Term must be equal or less than 80.
Please note that the sum of Current Age and Payment Term must be equal or less than 80 and Retirement Age.
The figures illustrated are based on the assumed declared interest rate, Guaranteed Special Bonus, current assumed Extra Bonuses, premium paid annually and up to date, premium payment term, and current scale of charges for the MY Lifetime Annuity plan (policy currency in HK$), as of July 2018. It is subject to change.
The monthly annuity income is based on the accumulated cash value, lifetime fixed-income annuity option, and the current assumed annuity rate. The annuity rate is calculated based on the mortality rate, current annuity interest rate, expenses, etc. The actual monthly annuity income will be calculated based on the annuity rate in effect on the annuity dates.
The estimated monthly annuity premium and annuity income are for reference only and are not guaranteed.